Today was fun, like all days with this little one. It started off as I scooped Kyra out of bed and snuck away successfully unnoticed. I love when that happens. LOL… Adam didn’t even roll on the bed which is very unusual.
My routes went very smoothly. They have really improved since this one student is off. It is funny that one student can change the whole mood of the bus.
Stan and I went to 3 government offices, yeah count them 3. I think the stars aligned in the sky all day today. We went to the Social Security Office changed address. We went to the Public Assistance Office for Stan’s Medicaid and changed the address. Than, we went to the DOT. I had to take a bus test, which I passed. We went to lunch even and I made it home in plenty of time to do my afternoon route.
I was planning on going to just one or two of these places and running out of time today and going another day to the DOT. It was all amazing how it worked out.
My afternoon routes went smoothly, now there is only 6 more days. (Doing a little dance!)
Kyra and I went swimming this evening. Oh, yeah and we rode the trike in the pool for a few minutes. That seal slide is actually a pretty comfortable seat, but I think I will leave the water in there so next time we do this the water isn’t arctic like in temperature.
We came inside and Kyra was pretending to be a cat in the cats bed. She did have it so she was sideways in here curled in a little ball. I couldn’t get the camera quick enough though to catch that. Yes, can you imagine me running for my camera. It happens a lot in this house.
Well, that was pretty much it. I accomplished a lot, but mostly played all day. Good Night….