Today is my 9 year anniversary. We went to Chili’s to celebrate. It was very good. I am beginning to not like them as much as I used to though. They are getting more and more expensive. They used to be what I call affordable, but now not so much. They are more for when we are going fancy, but they aren’t fancy. They are marketing to regular people, but are more affordable to upscale. I am far from upscale in my finances.
We than went to Radio Shack and I did one of my little jobs. We went to Lowe’s afterward, I spent $36.00 on a piece of plastic. Adam is laughing that I did that. I wanted it for a white background for my pictures, but the piece turns out to be clear. I am still keeping it though to use in my picture frames. I keep breaking the glass, so this won’t break. I should be able to cut it with scissors.
I also got a long piece of board, I am going to connect to the wall in my basement to try to hook my photography backdrops too insead of hanging them from the ceiling. I think it will work better. I want to get it so I can really take some pictures down there.
This is the best picture I have from today and amazingly…I am in it. Adam took it. Our skin tone looks redder than we really are though, maybe that is my computer.
Sara is supposed to be coming over to watch this movie “Unleashed” in a few minutes. I hope it is good. It has a lot of bad reviews and some good ones. The bad ones are mostly referring to the fight scenes which I don’t really like anyways. I am sort of a strange movie watcher and blood freaks me out. I guess you shouldn’t get Asian martial artist movies when you don’t like fighting huh?? LOL…. I like “chick flicks” mostly. I even like documentary movies a lot of the time.
Well, she is here. So I am going…Happy Anniversary to me though. Woo Hoo…I survived longer than anyone ever predicted of me. I don’t think we are ending this anytime soon either, so keep the countdown going. Adam said earlier when Kyra graduated high school we will be celebrating 25 years…