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20070602_00708p I haven’t downloaded today’s photos yet, but here is my brother Jason with the girls last night.

He left this morning as I was getting out of bed, so I basically said “Bye”.  I still have his dog here though, so that is my duty 3 times a day.  I think she is getting better from where she got hit as she gets out of her cage a little faster each time, but maybe this is more because she is getting used to me, so who knows.

I got up and got on the shower close to first thing.  Well, Andy showed up.  I didn’t feel like going to town today.  I am still a little on the not feeling so great side.  So, Stan, Adam, Kyra, and Andy all went to lunch at Pizza Hut.  I didn’t know that they had the buffet on Sunday even, but they do.  I guess they all had pizza overload and came home. 

They came home to me fast asleep on the bed.  I slept from like 1 until like 3, so a good nap.  Kyra on the other hand didn’t take a nap.  She was quite a grump the end of the day. 

I watched some TV with Stan we both like CSI.  I hate when they put on the weird music and starting magnifying disgusting things though. I always have to close my eyes. 

Well, that was over at 9.  I have been working on here for a bit and now I am going to bed.  I have quite a few projects that I am working on the middle of though, I am really going to get busy come next week my first days of summer vacation. 

Good Night…