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20070726_02003p The skies were so pretty today.  It made me what to be outside all day.  We got quite a bit done today actually though.

20070710_01205p Played and played…in my house playing is getting something done, so don’t be confused.  LOL…  Playing with Kyra is the most important thing that I do in any given day.

The lady came that comes and works with Stan.  It wasn’t the usual lady, but it was a lady that has been here before.  I was sort of glad it was this lady.  She is a Mennonite lady that sews a lot.  I got her to agree to come help me make the curtains I want in my basement to cover up my shelves and make it look bright and colorful down here.  I gave her some of my older fabric pieces as a trade, so it is going to work out great.  She is going to call in Sunday to tell me when she can come.

We went to Bent and Dent and got a pretty good bit of food.  I needed to restock my canned goods.  They sell cans of like soup there for only a quarter, which always seem to be good to me.  I stopped to check when my car part would be here.  I didn’t find anyone where I go though, so that didn’t happen.

We went on to the pharmacy and to Walmart.  In Walmart, I bought the fabric that is going to make the curtains that we are going to sew next week.  I am going to make them like the colors of the rainbow because I have 7 segments of my shelving.  That will make is really bright down here.

20070726_00803p We went to the park.  Kyra couldn’t leave without swinging.  The swing bunches up her shirt.  She always swings leaning way forward, like she is flying super man style.  I have a feeling she will be in the baby swing for a very long time with this style.

We came home, ate…   Than back outside we went.  We were coloring with chalk on the back porch. 

20070726_05206pWe of course fed and watered the goats.

20070726_04606p I took my camera out to get a new shot of Carmel because it has been awhile since I showed how big she has gotten.  My photos out there didn’t turn out so great…she is eating the whole time.  I have to be more patient to get good pictures of her.  The only photo I got was Misty with her tongue out.

20070726_05606p There was this toad on our back patio.  Isn’t he cute… I love my backyard. 

20070726_08407p Kyra decided she needed to rearrange all the shoes when we got in.  It made me notice that Adam has a lot of shoes by the door, that I never paid much attention too.  It is going to seem empty there when he takes them all away tomorrow.

Anyways, that was my day.  I haven’t been at my computer much today as a result.  I had way to many feeds and I did something I rarely do.  I hit mark all as read.  It is past midnight now, so I am going to bed.  Night.