Today was rather uneventful. I forgot my keys in my husband’s car and he went to work with it. Hence, we didn’t go anywhere at all. We were outside for quite a bit though.
Kyra and I went for a rather long walk. She is getting fun to walk with. She think it is hilarious if you stomp your feet while you walk or do a little skip. We also recite the ABC’s while we walk. People listening to us (not that I know of any) must either think this is the cutest thing they ever heard or this woman is a complete nut case. LOL…
We drew a whole lot with the chalk on the back cement. She also carried the cat around quite a bit. She must be getting better at this or the cat more expecting. What a nice cat huh to put up with this. She let her walk with her for a minute or so though.
The barn cat (Pickles) is the one with us looking at the chalk and this face photo and the one carried is the house cat (Diamond). We had both of them visiting with us which I don’t think has ever happened at one time before. We usually have one or the other and if the other should come around we have hissing and squealing. They weren’t all cozy keeping there distance, but they were with us together.
Stan was out there too. He got his new glucose meter today. This one keeps track of his levels, so we don’t have to write them down. It records them inside it…I can download them to my computer with it as well. I think this will be a really nice feature that will really help start to get his sugar under control.
Well, that is all for today. It was pretty uneventful. Have a great night.