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I can’t sleep my head is pounding with this sinus junk pressure stuff, so I am doing my usual reading my favorite blogs and new ones from MyBlogLog of course.

I found this post on Which is a site new to me. Seems interesting enough though.

Who doesn’t want charity, too? I love charity.

So basically, I am just stealing her his text because she he did it so well.

First, I want to tell you about Link Donating. has great offer running. Its basically a charity drive. The rules is as follows:

1. Link to Kiva
2. Email me and point me to that link
3. I will link to you
4. I will donate one US dollar for Kiva for your link
5. I will write about your site

Each month he picks a new charity to donate to. I can’t understand why you wouldn’t want to take part in this! So check out this months charity Kiva.

See ya…