Well, today was a typical day in insurance. It was not extremely busy, but my phone rang steady all day. I didn’t sell any policies…which sucks. I mailed over 60 marketing postcards though and got another 20 ready for tomorrow.
Kyra had a busy day. She went shopping with Tom at like 4 stores. She wore her pants inside out all day until she got a bath tonight.
When we got home we dug up fresh potatoes from the garden and cooked them up with a meatloaf. It was probably my most complete meal in a whole long while. I tend to lean towards partial meals here as I don’t eat that much. So tonight we had a whole rounded healthy meal. The garden potatoes though were definitely a highlight. They were go yummy.
They were so good. I think they put Kyra right to sleep. She was out within 15 minutes of super. She didn’t even watch Curious George first…she was just out.
Now, I’m on here and also dead tired. I have left overs though for lunch tomorrow that I will probably actually eat. Good Night….