Can you see those teeth now?? She still only has 4 teeth, but now you can see the two top ones when she smiles. You couldn’t see them when they first broke out.
We went to garage sales this morning. I got 2 pairs of shorts, 2 shirts, and 3 onsie thingers for Kyra. I didn’t find any thing nice that was my size. We also got a push toy. Push toys was what we went looking for. Kyra is ready to start with those. She actually has pretty good balance.
Andy left for his new job. Adam left for work. We came home to a peaceful house with just us. Kyra now is taking a great nap. She should be in a good mood all day. It is really going to be a good Saturday. I only have 4 more school week Saturday’s. I still haven’t confirmed that I will be home watching kids or not this summer. I have a back up job at the Newburg New Hope Day Care though, for the summer if I need it, so the summer is looking just fine.
I have 3 weddings to go to this summer, so it will be a busy one.
Well, I am getting off here for now. Bye…