This was so cute. I had to get several photos. We fed the goats, pig, and cat. We gave the hay… I scrubbed and dumped these water buckets that they drink from. Now was time to fill them. Kyra stepped right up to the plate and did the whole job, which surprised the heck out of me. I thought she would try to play with the water…. she loves water. She didn’t though. She held the hose in perfect position until both containers were completely full. What a little helper.
We ate Pierogies and took showers and the night was over before we knew it and here I sit typing this. Kyra is fast asleep in here bed and I am about to be. I am still working on my new theme for this site and it is going very slowly.
There really isn’t enough time in the day as it is past 10 and I need to get to bed soon. Good Night….