Here we are…. Thursday. Kevin, Tom, Dale, Kyra, and I all went on a hike. We were going to see a fossil rock. You can see we are at it in the first picture there. It is 1.65 miles of hiking, according to the GPS, which means it is really more on land. I thought I was going to die climbing the last � mile carrying Kyra.
Than this other picture is her riding on my shoulders on the way back, she was sick of the backpack, which you can see is also on my back in that picture. I eventually gave that to Dale who carried it the rest of the way back. It is pretty light though.
This picture is me carrying Kyra at the very end. She fell asleep for like the last 1/4 mile. This is the memory shot. LOL… What a day.
It was a really crazy day. Remind me never to do that again until Kyra can walk for herself…..We should only go to places we can get to with the car.
Anyways, I got back home. Kevin went home. We got in shower and basically went almost straight to bed. I was dead tired.