Ok, so I am not going to bed so instantly.
Instead, I am going to tell you why I want a new HP digital camera to go with my Sony camera.
The main reason I want a HP camera is because I work for Actionlink once a month and I go service the camera section in a few stores. I happen to service the HP cameras, part of my assignment is to take a picture of what I see though. I am not really sure why, but it is embarrassing to me to pull out my Sony camera to take pictures of the HP cameras that I am there servicing. I mean my camera is nice, but Wow wouldn’t it be great to pull out the same camera that I am servicing. I could really tell people if I liked the camera or not and why. The way it is now…I just sort of tell them that I don’t really work for the store and get them an associate from the camera section or I tell them 3 of 10 cameras were chosen as Best Buys like the brochure tell me to tell the photo section employees.
I also would like a second camera that isn’t so big. The HP product line seems to be the perfect size for my second camera. They all seem nice and light and thin, really thin. That is what I want. I could stash it away and it would be easier to just pull out for that perfect shot of my little girl. You see Kyra doesn’t get her picture taken enough. She needs her picture taken even more. There is probably 2 times a day when I think boy I wish I had my camera and well, if I had an HP camera. It could be there for those times.
So HP people, you see. I would be a great person to choose to give your camera too. I would get plenty of use and advertising way beyond the scope of this blog article.
This post is sponsored by HP.