Here is a photo of Kyra today. She was talking to herself on the cell phones…see there are two. I am late taking the picture though.
She was than trying to pass one phone to Adam to talk to her through. It was pretty comical.
She is teething pretty badly and is really cranky lately though. She has 5 top teeth, 6 bottom teeth, and 3 molars all on the right side. She seems to be getting all her right side teeth first. She is getting her back molars first too, so there is a big gap without teeth in there still.
I upgraded my blog to the new version. I wanted to say everything seems to be working great except the language translator seems only to work from Internet Explorer. I have no idea as to why that is. The developer of it said he is working on correcting that error.
On a happier note: My MOMS Club is having a play group at my house tomorrow afternoon, I don’t know exactly why I am excited for this at such a crazy time. However; I am. Woo Hoo. It is so nice to see Kyra playing with other little girls her age. I really love it.
Hey…I should really go to bed. I have to get up in 5 short hours. Night..