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manic-monday Questions

  1. What is your most despised household chore?
  2. Pick out the most important item in your wallet/purse and tell why it’s important to you.
  3. What was your first car? What was your favorite car when you were young?


  1. It use to be an easy question with the obvious answer of  laundry, but I don’t know if I would mind it so much.  I haven’t done it in 10 years.  Now, I probably hate cleaning up food or at least I get in trouble for not doing it efficiently enough.
  2. I don’t usually use either a purse or wallet.  My most important thing though is my keys.
  3. It was a 1990 Dodge Radiant.  It was my only car when I was young.  I sold it for more than I bought it for when I went into the Army.  I got a Dodge Shadow after that and had that until I got the Subaru that I have now.  Yeah, I am 30 years old.  I have only had 3 cars.    I love my Subaru, it is my favorite car.  I always liked them, but I not really a car fanatic.  I am okay with getting from point A to point B.  I do like/want some of the options, like A/C, heating seats, adjustable seats, stuff like that…mostly standard stuff though.  I look more for that though when looking for a vehicle than the car itself.  LOL….  I know totally the wrong approach, but it hasn’t failed me yet. 

If you are interested in Manic Monday it can be found here.