It rained as it always does on my birthday. Yes, there has only been one year in my 30 years of life that it didn’t rain at the place I was on my birthday. This year no exception…April showers almost always occur on the 25th.
Two years ago before I had this site. I took a trip to Illinois on my birthday and it was a beautiful day that day here at my house. It was of course raining where I was in Illinois. LOL….
I just plan for rain. It will be beautiful again tomorrow.
Anyways….I luckily like rain and it was a rather refreshing rain today.
I did my morning routes and didn’t feel to good after I got back. I laid down with sort of a headache and took an hour nap. This is really strange for me as I am not a big napper. I woke up still feeling slightly strange, so I sort of moped around. I didn’t think to much about it being my birthday. I did my afternoon routes and it went smooth.
We went to Waynesboro to do my one job. They didn’t have the stuff I was looking for, so I basically didn’t have anything to do and that makes it a wasted trip. I have to go back probably next week, but who knows.
We went to dinner at Ryan’s. They made money off of me surely. I had only one plate. A piece of pizza, a burger, and a piece of corn on the cob. I got some potato salad too, but it was disgusting, so didn’t eat that. I don’t know why, but I wasn’t feeling oh so hungry. Oh well, I can live a month off one of my butt cheeks probably, so no hard feelings on that.
This is where the day turns exciting. LOL…. I had one last job at Sears. I seem to get this job every 2 weeks to do, the same survey. I pretty much know the answers before I go in. I walked around did my little survey.
They have this big clearance bin in the center isle with all the digital cameras in it. Now, I have been looking for a small camera that I can put in my pocket and carry around. My current camera the Sony R1 weighs over 2 lbs. It is a great camera, but for hiking, plus carrying Kyra. It is really big.
I got this camera now….for my birthday. It is a Samsung S1000. It is super light and I can put it in my cargo pocket of most of my pants. So, if you thought I had a lot of pictures on this site before….look out. LOL… This little camera will take video too, so I may even get a few little video clips on here.
If I like this camera enough, I may even consider getting rid of my R1, which I do love…however the size and heaviness are getting obsolete and I should have a SLR if I am going to have that combination of size/heaviness. I may as well throw a couple lenses in and really carry some things. The R1 lens is great though and over all it can do so many things.
Anyways, I am excited to get this neat little camera. Finally…I can just pop it into my pocket and take it anywhere. Woo Hoo….
Here is the first picture I took with it. Mind you, it is completely dark out and Kyra is about to go to sleep and we aren’t even home from the store yet. LOL….. I think this is pretty good for basically no light. My R1 couldn’t do this in no light. It is a camera that really likes light.
Anyways, that was my day. It was almost like any other day. Oh, my brother did call me and wish me a Happy Birthday. It was nice. My other brother’s birthday is in 2 weeks, so I have to get my card ready now. I didn’t really expect a call from him though. He is busy with his little life.
Good Night….