I have had a very stressful few days again. I had another meeting at the school. This time with parents there. It was a total shock as they called me at 8:00 am and the meeting was at 8:40 when I got to the school with a bus of kids. It was okay though, Kyra was dressed nice and I looked decent enough. It was almost all about past stuff and the same stuff the other meeting was about with about one new story in there. I did really well at staying calm, keeping cool, answering the parents questions. A lot of which was about stuff I vaguely remember from months back. Oh well though…I will do what they said and be fine. I am a good driver.
The only part that seemed to get to me that is sticking in my head which I wish it wasn’t was said almost at the end. It was when the parents shook my hand actually. They said “It isn’t personal we are just protecting our kids, you would do the same thing wouldn’t you?” I didn’t answer, just sort of stood there, but that was the worst line of the whole meeting.
The thing is though. It was personal. They were telling me I suck at my job and it wasn’t personal?? That is one of the most personal things about me you could insult. It was personal, very personal.
The other part, is the part I think of more though. I woudn’t do the same thing. I wouldn’t even consider it. I don’t want to protect my daughter from the world. I want her to see the good, the bad, the pretty, and the ugly. I want her to hear foul language and be screamed at and be whispered too. I want her to be introduced to the world and not protected from it. I want her to be prepared for school when she gets there even the crazy parts of being there. The being picked on, the foul mouths, the every type of music, the everything basically. I don’t want her to be the innocent scared kindergartner that has never been or done anything away from her mom’s hip joint. I want her to be the one that knows what is going on. The kids in kindergarten aren’t all innocent and those will be her peers. I want her to know what to expect and how to deal with it. I don’t want her to have been protected.
Ok, so I am done with this topic.