I delivered Kyra up to Adam this morning and Adam fixed me lunch. Yeah, lunch at his place. LOL… I got the photo scoop of the place though and of course have permission to post it. Adam reads and likes that I keep this site. You will probably see him commenting more now that he isn’t in my face all the time.
Anyways…here goes.
He is the downstairs one here on the left. Pretty boring looking on the outside. It basically looks like all his neighbors except his has nothing on the patio except Kyra’s chalk writing which you obviously can’t see from the parking lot.
Let’s start with the most important ones. He laughed at me taking pictures of in his fridge. Yeah…I tried to get him to take some things from our house, so don’t blame me on the lack of food. He is starting “fresh” as he says. I think it is pretty funny that his fridge has water, milk, ketchup, mustard, and cheese and that is all. He has an over flow of TV dinners in his freezer and a gallon of ice cream. I always have my freezer too full for ice cream gallons, so we had to buy smaller versions. He always did like those generic ice cream gallons though best.
Here is the living room. It looks pretty nice with his TV’s and computer. He has another TV in his bedroom and a bed. That is pretty much all. Don’t blame me for lack of furniture either. I tried to get him to take things, but he wants to start “fresh” again….like I said. I have been trying to get things into his car even sneaking things in there. SSssshhhh!
He is going to buy an elliptical machine. I think he is going to do that in his now empty dining room.
He fixed me lunch though Triple Cheese Chicken stuff. It was pretty good. I left and came home. I was pretty boring at home. I did some laundry and small amount of cleaning. I worked on my site some here and another site I do some.
I had my rock club meeting tonight, so I left early and did my Circuit City job before I went to that. The rock club meeting went smooth. I told them I was going to do a whole lot of updating on the website I do for them, so that is an incentive to actually work on that. I will do that on Friday….a lot.
Other than this, it was a pretty boring day.
I am a B-List blogger and hope someday to make it to the A list, although I am not real sure what the advantages to either are honestly.. I am no where near as close though as this site Life is Rantastic, so I’m going to link into her tonight to help her make it to her 500 links.
“Let’s rock The Rock Chick’s World! Send Life is RANTastic to the A-List.”
Rantastic took over the full Thursday 13 at The Eclectic Life, so I guess I am sending her another link too. I am jealous of those over 70 RSS readers there. I seem to hit 50 here frequently and then the next day it drops into the 20’s and I am having to work my way back up. I have no idea why anyone would unsubscribe from here…aren’t I nice enough?? LOL…