Today I basically did nothing, but moan and groan on the couch. I feel terrible. However, I was outside for a bit too swinging on the swing and smelling in as much fresh air as my lungs could accept.
It sure seems like I have been sick for this whole month and every time I get a little better something new hits me and like a brick. Kyra seems to be getting better this time though, which is nice. I like her in good spirits.
Thank goodness that Miranda and Heather came over, they were a life saver. I really don’t know what I would have done without them. It is just luck that today was the day they were coming to visit with Kyra. Thank you girls….
We just chilled at home. Here is my little caramel. She is growing up fast. I took lots of pictures and the girls did too, so I will probably post more of today’s pictures tomorrow. I have barely looked at them.
Oh, here let me post these two pictures quick. These two wouldn’t have probably got posted, but the girls asked me to post them, so here they are. In one of my old don’t fit me anymore bras…LOL… They read my blog here sometimes.
I am just going to bed right now. Yeah, 8:30 and I am in bed. Night…