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It is official, Kyra is a straw sucker. This was a hard skill learned with lots of spilled drinks. She has it mastered now though, she did it the first time at dinner yesterday and then followed up at dinner tonight. She is a champ.

So, for this weekend we have been going to the Nixon Center in York to the Rock and Mineral Weekend. We went with Tom to help him load and unload his stuff and man his table while he gave a lecture. I went too because it is beautiful there and I like being in fresh air this time of year while it is so nice out. Here is a picture of Kyra yesterday. We were there all day yesterday from close to 8 am until 5 pm. This is a great museum nature preserve type place though for kids. They are so hands on with there displays, there are things that say “Yes, Please Touch”. I thought it was great.

We went again today for the second and last day. Adam went with today though, so I got some pictures of me actually… Here is me in there little cave structure. There was a little girl playing peek-a-boo outside and Kyra was running around the corner. She was pretty cute. I am just sort of an asside in this one. I look like I am huddled in the corner, I did feel really squished.

Here is the best picture of the two days. She was laughing so hard, Adam was behind me doing stuff with her shoes and she was laughing so hard and screaming. It was way to funny…

Today was pretty relaxed. We were only there from noon to 4:30 with the only mission of loading up at the end which we did easily. We walked the trails today. I think Kyra had fun. She is already asleep tonight, so maybe that is an indication. We did good. She went to bed. LOL…

Here is a picture of Adam holding Kyra so she could splash the creek without getting wet. She was laughing while doing this too. I think she knows what the word “cold” means now too. She is getting very smart.

Here is the picture that Adam liked best of himself. He does look pretty good there I have to admit.

I took some good autumn nature shots too. Here are some of those in small versions.

Well that is all for that. It was a fun time. We will be there again next year, but it will be called Dinosaur weekend.
