My daughter does some strange things sometimes. He is very organized. She loves it though. Here is her play this evening by herself, me just the photographer.
She starts with the bears on the stand laying. Side by side lined up perfectly.
She then moves them to the floor, she puts the kitchen town just like if she was covering them for a nap or whatever. She then attempts to pick them up while covered.
Here she sits them on her chair, with the towel again like in a nap. She changes her mind though.
They end with the town under them sitting nicely on the chair.
She later did this on the floor with them.
And finally she put it on her little toy container in front of her.
She moved on to play something else here, but I am mesmerized with what is she thinking when she meticulously places them like this with such care, from place to place.
Do your two year olds do this??