First off, let me grab all you sewers out there reading this… I have been working hard on listing fabrics on ebay the last couple days, so go check them out and show them some love.
I bought most of my fabric pieces from a wholesale distributor, so this is the exact stuff that is in the stores. It isn’t seconds or any of that. It has been in my possession it’s whole existence. I buy the fabric and put it away for a few years before I even attempt to sell it. That is how I have old stock, not from it being attempted to be sold or anything. The worst that this fabric could see is a few wrinkles and fold lines because I do cut it and fold it for storage and easier future sales.
So anyways, if you sew and like fabric panels. You should seriously check out my listings, the prices are the best you will find. If the links don’t work, I am of course ladylike4. I don’t list all the often anymore. The reason for these listing now is my 2nd job only gave me 3 hours this week and I need the money to pay my house payment.
Ok, so done with the sales pitch…
It is only Tuesday, that is hard to believe. I am getting all excited for my concert that we are going to in a few weeks and so time is slowing down for me. I think it will remain slow until I am at this concert than it will start warp speeding to catch up.
I didn’t have anything special to do today though, so we just stayed home. I worked on ebay stuff off and on all day. We drew with the thank goodness washable marker for a good long while though and got creative with our faces. Those lip extensions washed right off, you would never known….
We played with the cat for awhile, she is starting to come around. She has been doing bad things the last few times though and getting herself kicked out.
We talked on the phone a lot today. Although she didn’t talk to her dad that I can remember, so that was strange.
We ate pizza for lunch. It was so good. Kyra put the sauce on and helped spread the crust. She is really quite helpful.
We did my afternoon routes, I think they added extra caffeine to the lunch milk though because I had a whole bus of energy today.
We went and got Stephen’s contacts and paid my legion dues after my routes. I am able to get into the Legion bar for another year. I used to suck being a designated driver and not being able to get into the door of the bar for the disabled people. LOL… I was in the Army though, so I qualify to be a member. Robin has paid for it in the past, but it was due. I like the food there and it is close for me and Kyra to go there and have lunch. Tonight all 3 of us ate for less than $12, it was good too.
I came home and watched the movie Periscope. That is a good movie. Kyra was asleep by the end of it. I am going to bed now. I caught up on some of my blog reading today too, so some of you got two weeks worth of Manic Monday postings read today. LOL… Hope you have a lovely night and day tomorrow. Good NIght.