I think my foot has turned into a big blister. I walked so much today with Kyra. We walked about 3 miles on the road, 1 mile once in the morning and then 2 miles in the afternoon. I figured out that it is pretty easy to tie her to my back with a big piece of fabric, so piggyback rides are a lot easier on mom. I don’t have to worry that she is going to fall.
Here is the updated picture of my toe. It shows so much improvement and doesn’t look as bad as you would guess it too.
My routes went very smooth today, It was actually a nice day. They were talking about movies in the morning, so very interesting conversation.
We were outside a whole lot obviously with all the walking, but I also was to the barn a lot, so here is updated pictures of caramel and bullet. This first one is caramel, doesn’t she look just so cute.
Next is bullet, he looks so sophisticated standing next to that tree doesn’t he. This is close to the end of his life here though, as he is old enough to get a new home now.
Anyways, that was my day. I am glad that spring is now making more of an appearance. I hope winter comes at it’s regularly scheduled time next year instead of waiting until February.
Good Night…