It is official, Kyra is not getting another “B” again, even if she tries. She is going on 36 hours of her being weaned.
She is still sick slightly, but the antibiotics are kicking in and she has her appetite back. She hadn’t eaten in almost 2 days. No worries though, she has eaten and is back up to strength.
I am pretty sure that the bronchitis that she has is getting me down now too though and with my now acute knowledge of having boobs. It is adding to the agony and I can’t sleep well.
I think this weaning process is harder on the mom than anything. I would have never dreamed it to be this hard. I know some women have an easy time with it, but I am not one of those women. This is a very painful experience and I am trying so hard to just keep the tears back a lot of the time. I don’t have any mastitis or any of that…I had that when she was first born, so I know that having that is 10 times more painful than this, but I am just so uncomfortable. I hope the uncomfort goes away in a few days…or NOW would be nice. I dream, I dream. LOL…
Gotta go to work…