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Sit Down, Shut Up…

That was probably all that these Mesa students needed to do.  I in my mind think that this whole situation is comical and they are calling it a hostage situation.  I’ll take you home when you behave sure seems life threatening to me.  I know, I...

Cell Phones on School Busses…

I personally am an advocate for the use of cell phones in general.  They are a great safety device according to me.  I can’t tell you how many times I have called 911 from my cell while driving.  Well, I could if I really thought about it.  I...

Fight, Turn The Other Cheek…

This driver is being charged for not breaking up a fight on her bus.  I guess if I was told that there was going to be a fight on my bus, they would be charging me too.  I am not saying that the kid would have 4 chipped teeth and all that, but I simply...

Being A Substitute Is Hard!

Being a substitute bus driver is way harder than being on a regular route.  I know this from being a substitute bus driver for over 2 years.  I was required to know almost all the roads in our school district and read my written notes, all while watching...

Some Days I Need A Drink…

Ok, so I am an almost complete non-drinker lets get that straight. I do a whole lot of designated driving though, so I see quite a few drinkers and do on occasion have some of my own drinks. Mine are usually at home with no need to be driven anywhere though. Anyways,...

Trafficking Cocaine…

Here is a school bus driver who was charged with trafficking cocaine.  She is suspended from her driving job for now.  It doesn’t say that she was distributing it to children or anything, but this is something that is crazy for a bus driver to be...