by Jennifer | Nov 24, 2007 | Comical
The Special Eduction Law Blog has this joke for Thanksgiving on it offering how each school job cooks up a Turkey, what do you think of the school bus driver version?? How a school bus driver cooks a turkey — Starts late, goes too fast and then loses it in the...
by Jennifer | Nov 10, 2007 | Comical
I had to laugh at this one, so I am just going to send the link out here…a simple one. This is a blonde joke with a bus driver twist though. Pretty funny… Cute Joke..
by Jennifer | Oct 17, 2007 | Comical
I sometimes cook things for Stan to have left overs. That way when I am busy or don’t make it home he has something to eat. Ham is one of his favorites, so I get those nifty little pre-sliced hams and cook the up in Pepsi. He really likes it....
by Jennifer | Jul 18, 2007 | Comical
Ok, so the diet lasted through lunch. I am laughing hysterically all day. It basically took us boiling Kale mostly, but a whole big pot of straight up health food. Put it in the blender and puree it. That was supposed to be his “free...