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Refrigerator Addicted…

Do all little girls do this? You would think she would hate it in there all cold and such, but she doesn’t. She loves it. She can stand here probably an hour. She doesn’t get anything out usually either, just stands there and looks. I guess she is...

Prefers Sitting…

Here is Kyra sitting on the adult stool in front of the new counter. She seems to prefer sitting and using adult things rather than her child size version…i e high chair. Do most children prefer these types of things??


Here is Kyra in her new hat my aunt got her. She got her some pajamas too. Isn’t the hat adorable though?? LOL… she has other hats that aren’t so cute. This one matches her jacket though. Here she is outside waving with her little bus toy. She used...


Well, for the last few days. I have been missing in action, so much has been going on that I can’t keep up. I went to doctors yesterday for my stomach pain. He sent me to have blood work and an ultrasound of my stomach where the pain is. He thinks it may be a...

First Kiss….

I got my first kiss this morning. First real kiss that is… she has slobber kissed for a long time, but she smacked her lips in the real kiss motion for me this morning. So it is official..I have a little kisser. LOL…

A Year…

I have been sick the last few day. I have slept a whole lot. Yesterday, I think I slept 5 extra hours on top of my normal sleep. I feel sort of refreshed today, but still have whatever this is that is going around. It is like stuck in my throat right now and...