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I knew this…

I found this Blogthings test on Opinions Minions, and I need some strange ladies butt photo on my site, so what the heck.  Here you all probably figured this out by now though…this is pretty true.   You Are Not Anal Retentive You’re definitely...

Totally Fabulous…

Diamondssaphire sent me another of these totally fabulous awards. The last time I got this one, I didn’t give it out to anyone. Today…though… I am going to pass it on to some sites that I enjoy, but don’t get a chance to read all that...

Trick or Treat…

Aawww Wander, you are so nice to me.  I love Carmel apples. I am going to give this over to Foreign Beauty.  I just like reading her antics.  She deserves a delicious apple. Just Simply Holly deserves the apple too.  She has been visiting here a...

Holy Crow Wander, this is quite the Meme…

Wander hit me up for this extra long meme a few days ago.  I have been going to do it, but putting it off until now when Amanda says she never gets tagged….come on people, she needs some work to do. What kind of soap is in your bathtub right now? I am to...

Santa’s Community Christmas Meme…

I am a little slow with this one as I actually just found it.  The fun Santa over at Grottynosh put me up to it though. Here are the rules: The first group of bloggers that are tagged below will add 2 lines to the first text line that is provided. In those added...

Showing Off My Desktop

Diamondssaphire has hunted me down to show my desktop off.  Well, screenshots seem to only get one of my monitors.  I went ahead and since it was dark just took a photo for you with Nonsense, Fun, Tears, Happiness, and Anger All Rolled Into One proudly...