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Live In The Two – Buzz Review

Here is a site with a test (results require you to enter e-mail), but the test proclaims to see if you could live in the top 2% with some self improvement tips. Here is what it says about me as a result of finishing the test. You could live in the top 2% of America!...

Leaky Faucet…

This is a sponsored post! I have a leaky pipe behind my bath faucet. It drips on my head in the basement while I am doing laundry and I usually jump because who ever expects rain in a basement??  It is sort of funny though that even though I have had it a few...

Online Lab Tests…

This is a sponsored post!   Online Lab Tests for just about anything and they come with the physician referral.  I always think it is stupid that you have to take that piece of paper in the lab to get them to stick a needle in your arm.  Yeah like...

Soy Is Everywhere…

This is a sponsored post! Do you have a finicky nose? Well, the divine aroma from a soy candle should do the trick. Soy candles are less sooty than standard candles and last three times as long. They are scented with an oil based scent and not a traditional petroleum...

Cruiser Bike Rewind…

This is a sponsored post! Beach cruisers are cool. These cruiser bicycles are a great way to spend an afternoon and get some exercise while in the fresh air. I wanted to rewind though and I don’t know if I am officially allowed too, so we will see. The site...

Updated Sponsors…

Yesterday, I went ahead and changed some of my sponsor links on this site.  I also put a featured sponsor up here on the right.  I think I will change that spot out randomly. I put it as a Tutor company for now.  I think this company fits good...