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Just Simply Jennifer

Here is my old blog site.


I have 2 interviews this week.  I am nervous for this.  I did my Circuit City jobs though yesterday and all that, during the day time.  It went smooth, yet it was very boring for some reason. I didn't feel real great after that.  I told my neighbor...

Manic Monday – January 21st

Manic Monday this week. Questions: If you had to be named after one of the 50 states, which would it be? Where do you go for advice? What is the sickest you've ever been? Answers: Oh, why am I thinking of "Idaho", well maybe that isn't bad if  you shorten it to...

Situation Sunday – January 20th

Situation Sunday is brought to you by Helena. Situation # 1You are doing some of your annual spring cleaning. Time to flip the mattress. As it fall onto it's new side....a swarm of flying the thousands come out and immediately start attacking you. You are...

Wednesday to Now…

Well, I can't believe it, but the last post I wrote was on Tuesday.  This week has been a whirlwind, but I don't really know why.  I drove all week with almost minimal acting out with Friday being the exception.  Friday was crazy.  I think I was on...

Kids Lucky To Be Alive…

Yes, I think these kids that got hit from someone running a red light are lucky to be alive.  Running of red lights from behind is happening more and more even with steep fines as punishment for drivers.  I hope that this driver gets charged with attempted...

School Sports?? Does Your School Use Busses??

I saw this article today that says that they are opposed to school busses being used for school sports transportation, preferring students travel with parents whom are simply the trusted ones. So you can probably already see my opinion right??  The trusted ones...

Don’t Ride On The Stairs…

I should be sending this message directly to my boss.  He is all the time bumming rides to the front of the bus circle usually not from me though, I am at back. Payday for example, they pass out paychecks until all the busses pull up.  They ride up to the...

Tuesday Fun, Playing with Ebay as a Side…

First off, let me grab all you sewers out there reading this...  I have been working hard on listing fabrics on ebay the last couple days, so go check them out and show them some love.  I bought most of my fabric pieces from a wholesale distributor, so this...

Manic Monday – January 14th

Manic Monday is here again. Questions: Which sex do you think has it easier in our culture? Have you ever wished you were the opposite sex? What books from your childhood would you like to share with your children? What is one talent or skill you don't possess but...

Drop Me a Line

I would love to hear from you to help and to help get your business on tract to meet your marketing goals.