by Jennifer | Oct 12, 2007 | Exciting, Normal
Yes, you heard it right. I lied. I had dinner plans with a male friend of mine and I told everyone I was going with lady friends. It was so refreshing though to have normal adult conversation, that I can’t lie on here. This means that some of the people I lied...
by Jennifer | Oct 2, 2007 | Exciting, Normal
Let me start with some photos from yesterday because I didn’t post them last night. Here is Tom holding Kyra ever so gently. It was a wonderful visit after the last one where I was so rude, but he says not…oh well. I feel better now. The...
by Jennifer | Sep 27, 2007 | Exciting
We signed the paperwork today. This is the agreements on what property between us is each others and what debt is mine versus his. I didn’t know it was uncommon to take pictures of such events…LOL. The attorney said that it was the...
by Jennifer | Sep 20, 2007 | Exciting
Today Adam had Kyra so you would think it would be boring, but it was actually one of the more exciting days driving. I did my morning routes like normal every one was perfectly behaved. My one student that seems to be the instigator of problems...
by Jennifer | Sep 14, 2007 | Exciting, Normal, Photos
So, instead of telling you about my day today. I am going to tell you about Kyra’s. Yeah, I hear you they are pretty much one in the same, but this could be fun. Kyra writing: I got up early today before the alarm clock went off, Mom was snoring...
by Jennifer | Sep 3, 2007 | Exciting
It started like any other day, doesn’t that sound novel like?? LOL… It did though honestly. We woke up, Kyra asked for Barney like she does every morning. I honestly don’t think she realizes that she has slept because she was watching Barney before...